Service Programs
Service Programs
Residential Supports
Residential Supports
The Alternative Family Living or AFL service provides a residential service for one adult to live with a family or individual care provider in a natural setting. The focus of this placement is to give individualized support which can best be promoted within a stable home setting. The care provider is able to assist the Individual served in achieving success by improving his/her sense of self by achieving goals, including daily living skills and appropriate socialization within the home and in the larger community.
Community Living & Supports
Community Living & Supports
Community & Living Supports is a habilitation service. This service enables the individual to acquire and maintain skills that will allow him/her to function with greater independence in the community. Community & Living Supports provide habilitation, training and instruction coupled with elements of support, supervision and engaging participation to reflect the natural flow of training, practice of skills, and other activities as they occur during the course of the participant’s day. Support combined with supervision of the participant’s activities to sustain skills gained through habilitation and training is also an acceptable goal of Community & Living Supports.
Community & Living Supports consist of an integrated array of individually designed habilitative services and supports that are described in the Person Centered Plan. This service can be delivered in a participant’s private home or in a variety of community settings to which the participant chooses to attend.
Community Networking & Respite
Community Networking & Respite
Community Networking services provide individualized day activities that support the individual’s definition of a meaningful day in an integrated community setting, with persons who are not disabled. This service is provided separate and apart from the individual’s private residence, other residential living arrangement, and/or the home of a service provider. These services are intended to offer the individual the opportunity to develop meaningful community relationships with non-disabled individuals. Services are designed to promote maximum participation in community life while developing natural supports within integrated settings.
Respite Care is a service that provides periodic relief for the family or primary caregiver as detailed in the Person Centered Plan.
Supports & Resources
Supports & Resources